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KGB Vol 29: Managing in-game stress

“It’s not stress that kills us; it is our reaction to it.” – Hans Selye

Keeping your composure as a leader or coach is essential to team performance. Some people seem to be naturally more calm while others have a tendency to react much stronger to stressful situations. Here are some tools that you can use to prepare yourself to react in a way that maintains a positive and competitive environment for your team.

  •             Preparation is key:

Make sure you thoroughly prepare for games by scouting, team strategy, and understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your own team as well as those of your opponents.

Once your game plan is developed make sure you can clearly communicate it to your team and support staff in advance.

  •             Try to stay calm:

You want to be the model of composure for you team. By remaining calm under pressure, it sets a positive example to your players and reassures them that you are in control.

Use breathing techniques and/or mindfulness techniques to stay focused and centered. For more on breathing techniques checkout KGB Vol 20

  •             Focus on what you can control:

Make sure you keep your mind concentrated on aspects of the game that are within your control, such as coaching decisions, communication with players, and strategic adjustments.

Avoid the temptation to get caught up in uncontrollable factors like referee decisions or unpredictable game events.

  •             Control your body language:

Really try to maintain positive body language. Your demeanor can influence team morale and confidence. Negative gestures or expressions can quickly demoralize players and support staff.

The stress isn’t going anywhere, but the way you handle it can change. Much like any skill this takes practice and cultivation. Having some degree of support as a coach is crucial and if you feel you need a greater support network you are not alone. Having a conversation with someone who appreciates what you are going through can be crucial in your development as a coach.

Finding time to manage your health is always a limiting factor.  You have commitments to the job, commitments to your team, and commitments to your family. At the end of the day, you still have a commitment to yourself. If you are looking to improve your energy, body composition, and knowledge of how to balance these qualities shoot me a message and let me help you achieve your goals. 

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