
Is Chiropractic Care Right for You?
Observe how chiropractic care might provide relief for your pain, but is it the right solution for your unique health needs? Discover more inside.
KGB Vol 28: High performing morning routine
“To get up each morning with the resolve to be happy is to set your own conditions for the events of each day” R.W. Emerson It has become very popular for individuals to boast about their morning routine. I see people who start their day with incredibly healthy routines that can take up to 2 […]
KGB Vol 27: Your biggest investment…TIME
“The key is in not spending time, but in investing it.”-Stephen R. Covey This is an interesting way to reframe the way we see time. In this case it would refer to how we allocate such a valuable resource during our coaching workday. A day on the grind may look something like this; As you […]
KGB VOL 26: Coaches need coaching too
“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm” Bobby Knight Much like any other profession, coaches can benefit from coaching. After almost an 8-year hiatus I recently hired someone to help me improve my current business model. There are some key reasons that one should consider hiring a coach. Here are my reasons for digging into […]
KGB Vol 24: Good vs Great: A view from above
Developing athletes can be a defining difference in the label good or great coach. Sure, there are some tactical wizards out there, but most great coaches get that distinction based on their ability to maximize an athlete’s ability to be successful. There are athletes who are clearly less talented but get more out of the […]
KGB Vol 22: Is coaching a health risk?
Coaching a sports team is one of the few jobs you accept knowing that you will eventually get fired. That simple truth adds a lot of stress to your life before you even get started in the position. Many coaches eventually get their big break in the field by working hard, being in the right […]
KGB Vol 21: Alcohol intake and stress management
Let’s just start by clearing the air. No this is not a rant on anti-alcohol or removing alcohol from your life entirely. The message is rooted in simple advice, pick your spot! Let’s state some truths about the impact of alcohol consumption and make an educated decision in terms of when, how much, and impact […]
KGB Vol 19: The vaccine for stress management
It’s a click-bait type of title, a very provocative use of language, with a hot topic embedded. Did I get you? Stress is one of today’s hot topics and, at times, just the mention of it can elicit a strong response from people who consider themselves to be highly tolerant of stress. I rarely argue […]
KGB Vol 18: High Performance & Getting Old
“Getting old is no fun!” I hear it nearly every day from some of my aging athletes. While they are certainly right, it is no reason to go down without a fight. In the modern era, athletes no longer hang up their gear after a certain birthday. The distinction between high performance and anti-aging is […]
KGB VOL 17: Leadership Longevity -The health grind for coaches
With a new season not too far out on the horizon, the last month of training can set players and coaches up for success or failure. I recall realizing the difference in prepping college and professional players when I was in my first season with the Iowa Wild. Our young players had come from a […]